Sunday, 20 July 2008

WYD '2008 - Sydney

Welcome the Pope to Sydney for World Youth Day (week) 2008:The common gather-area is @ where they called the Barangaroo (ber-ran-ge-roo), which is not-so fortunately directly opposite my workplace. The main road that seperates my company & Barangaroo is closed for the whole week 24 Hrs. Makes it harder for me to catch a cab home, and I'll have to walk through the streets with many Jesus-lovers. Doin' cheers you'll hear during the World Cup...

I'm not out to offend anyone, absolutely nothing against the religion; in fact I'm at awe at the reglion's wide spread & popularity. But the magnitude of taxpayers' expense for this event to be broadcast in a 'good light' makes me alil' edgy. Pilgrims, they called themselves, are here with no need to spend on transport/accomodation/food. C'mon, of course they would say Sydney Australia is the best~ Who gives you free lodging, food & transport even closes roads & removing trees in the midst of the park for more at-ease walk-through-&-not-around theory. BUT @ the expense of pple whom can't walk through their front door because the road is closed for the Pope-mobile to drive through, that is just alittle waaaay over the top...

So, where's the media when you want them to report on news like this? Power, next to money, are all very important elements in this world.

This is the no. of pple that attended the event. 150,000 inside the Randwick Racecourse, and 100,000 outside and around Sydney. This is just massive!

I was just thinking.. 1st gather-point: across the wharf where Barangaroo is, you'll see Star City Casino; 2nd gather point: they are @ a Racecourse. Just seemed alil' weird to me.

Anyway, with them closing roads to Randwick means we can't go for our weekly grocery shopping and can't borrow videos for the weekend. Hungry Denise would become Angry Denise.

That's the end of my ranting... May peace be with you (and also with you)...

Btw, I heard the Vatican has almost 60 billion in resources to spend. With special purple marble floors and gold pillars and columns, that you can never get it anymore. Heard that some priests are excited to travel overseas to 'experience' the world. This case for Aussie, what you do here? Booze & Barbie, of course.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Comments for ERP rise

Few days ago, there was an article on with the minister commenting that easing up on congestion charging on roads will be detrimental to both motorists and businesses in the long run. That was the response for the recent rise in ERP charges and additional gantries around the country. To a certain extent, thats a fair enough statement but there are some comments he made that I feel that the TM is making a fool out of himself and not being professional
Here are some of the statements he made
"And on comments that evening ERP charging is taking a toll on family life, he said the alternative would be to get stuck in traffic and still end up getting home late." (source:
My response is: This is telling me that the govt is not giving the ppl any choice (not that it has ever).. either pay up or get stuck in traffic. the thing is, even with the increase, traffic will still be worse. and given the pressure and workload back home, workers are ending at 8pm and given thats a non-peak period, the hardworking souls still need to pay to get home and have a nice warm family dinner.
But I agree that there will be a increase sooner or later given the economy situation. But to make such a statement is just showing how "caring" the minister is.
I quote
"We have not taken the populist road. We have said if this is the right thing to do and the situation calls for it, we would do it and in the case of congestion charging, I know it's difficult, it's an unpopular measure, motorists who are affected are unhappy, but it is something that is necessary - something that we will do so as to ensure that Singaporeans continue to enjoy living in a city, in a garden, and not a city in a carpark!" The reality is that as cars try to avoid ERP, other roads get congested and more gantries are put up on arterial roads. So really there is no avoiding ERP." (source:
My comment is
1st of all, what a statement, "city in a garden, not a city in a carpark" HELLO! we dont care whether it is a garden or car park, we just want to get back HOME!.. garden is a term used for tourists and we already know the direction that we are in.. continue to impress the WORLD!
"Theres no avoiding ERP", once again, this shows how "tactful" our govt is..u either PAY UP and shut up or don't drive. don't avoid??, what an idiotic statement. (why dont we spend less on sponsoring overseas students and use that money to subsidise the drivers? don get me started on that topic!!)
WE wont be enjoying living in a garden that has a gantry at every entry and exit. Drivers avoid expressways and get into arterial roads because they rather be a little bit slower than to pay another 3 or 4 bucks. installling ERP gantries on arterial road until late is ridiculous.
We should become a walking country, thats where we will be taking a stroll in a garden! who knows, we may have still have to pay tax for using the footpaths. FART "Footpaths And Road Tax".
Anyway, public transport is the way to go.. thats what happening to every country. More public transport commuters, prices still increase, no. of trains and buses stay the same, still have to squeeze and "excuse me". and the ministers will have a non-congested road to travel on and park anywhere they like.
Anyway, my point is made, I'm like the average citizen, complaining about an increase in everyday expenses, but what disappoints me is the kind of Minister we have, who make silly statements, maybe he just doesnt have good enough advisors supporting him. disgraced to have the same surname as him.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

How to make Lettuce look good?? Scrap it!!

Who can make Lettuce - Yes, Vegetables, look sooo gooooood???


On your next B&W challenge, I suggest you should do Michael Jackson!! Nahz... Kiddin'! Although you have done a couple B&W designs before, but we're still looking forward to your challenged B&W material. It won't be easy... But I'm sure if you can make Green look so good, B&W would be better!!

All the best on your Project Scrap-Away Competition.