Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Binturong vs. Panther

This morning as I was going through the news, one of which that caught my interest was "Bearcar escapes from zoo" - smh.com.au

Bearcat, also known as the Binturong to us back home, escaped from its new enclosure and went for an exploration nearby. Spotted by a motorist, as it crosses the road up to a tree. Police was informed and thought it was a Panther. The male binturong was safely escorted back to the zoo.

Here is where I feel the story lies:
When interviewing Acting Supervisor of the Zoo, she said this:
"And he (binturong) just had a bit of an explore, and you know what, I give it to him, he did a good job of getting out of that exhibit because we certainly had done everything we thought we could to make it as escape-proof as possible,"

It obviously wasn't escape-proof...
so Don't give me this type of bullshit trying to give credits to the animal when it was your failed responsibility. This is only a binturong. Imagine if it was a Panther? Wouldn't that be exciting? With the weather hot like this, leaving your balcony doors or windows open for air-circulation is a norm. Having a panther visiting your room while you sleeping. Priceless...

Seems like everybody has a "reason"/excuse on everything that's happening.. Almost similar to a political debate. With all the recent elections debate happening, I've started to realise how many people uses various technique of word play to divert curly questions or to cover up the mistakes committed. By praising or glorifying a neutral party to divert the attention off oneself. How clever... Not! People will know the truth... Intelligent people can see through this. So what do you know...

By the way, this is a picture of the bearcat aka Binturong vs. a common black Panther:


Would you know the difference at 1.45am in the morning?? Good Luck~

Saturday, 6 October 2007

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test

Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain. Anti-clockwise, left side of the brain. Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it. (I can't...)


...uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe


...uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk taking


[non-researchical basis, in other words, only for fun]

Instruction 01: Note down the No. which the statement applies to you.

1. I constantly look at a clock or wear a watch
2. I keep a journal or diary of my thoughts
3. I believe there is a either right and wrong way to do everything
4. I find it hard to follow directions precisely
5. The expression "Life is just a bowl of cherries" makes no sense to me
6. I frequently change my plans and find that sticking to a schedule is boring
7. I think it's easier to draw a map than tell someone how to get somewhere
8. To find a lost item, I try to picture it in my head where I last saw it
9. I frequently let my emotions guide me
10. I learn math with ease
11. I'd read the directions before assembling something
12. People tell me I am always late getting places
13. People have told me that I'm psychic
14. I need to set goals for myself to keep me on track
15. When somebody asks me a question, I turn my head to the left
16. If I have a tough decision to make, I write down the pros and the cons
17. I'd probably make a good detective
18. I learn music with ease
19. To solve a problem, I think of similar problems I have solved in the past
20. I use a lot of gestures
21. If someone asks me a question, I turn my head to the right
22. I believe there are two ways to look at almost everything
23. I have the ability to tell if people are lying or guilty of something, just by looking at them
24. I keep a "to do" list
25. I am able to thoroughly explain my opinions in words
26. In a debate, I am objective and look at he facts before forming an opinion
27. I've considered becoming a poet, a politician, an architect, or a dancer
28. I always lose track of time
29. When trying to remember a name I forgot, I'd recite the alphabet until I remembered it
30. I like to draw
31. When I'm confused, I usually go with my gut instinct
32. I have considered becoming a lawyer, journalist, or doctor

Instruction 02: Check the "key" on the Comments section of this blog entry and label "L" or "R" next to your no.

Instruction 03: Add up your "L"s & "R"s, your results will reveal if you're more Left-Brain or Right-Brain dominant.

Try it...