The horizontal and vertical bars of the lower tau cross represent the feminine and masculine energy, respectively. This combination of male and female symbols (the cross and circle) in the ankh suggest fertility and creative power. The top loop also symbolises the sun on the horizon, and suggests reincarnation and rebirth.

In Kemetic (Egyptian) tradition, the Ba is the part of the human soul that remains with the body of the deceased. It is often depicted as a winged figure, the Ba-bird, which symbolizes the ascension of the soul after.

Eye of Horus, Eye of Ra (Udjat, Wedjat):
Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the Eye of Ra or Eye of Horus represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. As the udjat, it represented the sun, and was associated with the Sun God Ra (Re).
The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (Thoth). According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magick. After the restoration, some stories state, Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris, which allowed this solar deity to rule the underworld. The story of this injury is probably an allusion to the phases of the moon as the eye which is "torn out" every month.
Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yin-Yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. Together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus.
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